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Discover the profession of the modern time
• Learning the professional competencies of Neurographica artist.

• Developing the skills and competencies of Neurographica Instructor for working with a group.

• Coordination of personal, operational and strategic values.

• Building an individual model of development through time.

• Expanding intellect in art, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and management.

• Diving into the educational process in an effort to reach your maximum potential.
Course Programme
Course Programme
Algorithm for
Removing Limitations
Basic User is the entry-level course in NeuroGraphica.
• Neurographica® - history of the method
• Neurographica application and 10 basic principles
• Neurographic® line and pattern
• Algorithm for Removing Limitations (3 versions)
• Algorithm for Revealing Intentions

Specialist is the first professional level. It gives the right to use NeuroGraphica for yourself and to apply the method in your professional practice.
• TRUE Model
• "Quality of life" Model
• S.C.O.R.E. Model
• NeuroTree
• 10 principles of NeuroGraphica
• + Specialist has the right to work with NeuroTree, NeuroRain and NeuroLotus models with a group of people when everyone is working on the same topic.
Moving into modelling and management of reality
• The graphical alphabet
• Principles of conceptual drawing
• Designing emotional states
• Rules of Composition
• Understanding the principles of composition in forming meanings
Master the energy of line and colour in NeuroGraphica
• Wu-Xing, the structure of the interaction between the elements
• Analyse the events of your life through the lens of Five Elements Model
• Find ways to manage states of consciousness, emotions and body
• Manage internal and external conflicts
• Create and maintain a state of health, harmony and wholeness
Sketching and fast drawing in NeuroGraphica
    • NeuroGraphica as a style. The artistic uniqueness of the method
    • Improve the skills as neurographica artist
    • Sketching portrait, landscape, still life
    • Mastering and applying the variety of neuroline techniques and hatching
    • Working with photographs, maps
    • NeuroNoting - writing the content of lectures, talks, negotiations and thinking process
      NeuroMandala is an individual drawing with personal meaning.
        Drawing NeuroMandala according to certain laws, we make a powerful transformational work on 7 levels of meaning. We fill the mandala with the energy we need, and its action activates new meanings and potential in relation to the actual request.

        • Compositions of mandalas according to the circumstances, linking them into a single pattern of subjective reality
        • Building and drawing a structure of 7-level meanings
        • Pattern of movement through 12 Stages of Development model
        • Drawing 4 types of intelligence, correlating resource and potential changing the reality of consciousness
          Setting a perspective for personal development and a significant increase of energy
            • Increasing the motivation for the activity;
            • Forming a conscious effort and moving up the career ladder;
            • Building a vision of great potential, power of intention, and concentration of will;
            • Drive! Joy and the feeling of fullness of life.
              How do you create positive scenarios in relationships?
              How can you develop and get the type of relationship you want?
              How to bring clarity to intimacy with others?

              NeuroGraphica allows us to model the system of relationships so that the necessary conditions for future communication can be formed in these neural connections.
              In this module we will learn how to model the relationships we need in our lives.
              A goal is something that motivates and excites a person.
                How do you create visual images that are energized and lead us to success and achievement?
                How to bring the desired results closer? How do you image the long-term goal in a way to motivate our consciousness and pull us forward?
                How do you set the scale of an ambitious goal?
                Goal, achievement and result are the three categories we work with in our modelling process. Each of them has a graphic expression, so that we can "program" ourselves by transferring it to paper in the form of visual images.
                In this module, we will learn how to design real achievements.
                NeuroTimeline is a NeuroGraphica algorithm that combines the knowledge we gather throughout the year to synthesize the amount of other algorithms.
                NeuroTimeline algorithm allows you to build your unique road to the future, lay out trails of achievement and routes of success, determine the scale of experiences and local centres of the most important events.
                NeuroTimeline is a phenomenal time management practice and the Author's favourite one!
                NeuroTimeline is a NeuroGraphica algorithm that combines the knowledge we gather throughout the year to synthesize the amount of other algorithms.
                NeuroTimeline algorithm allows you to build your unique road to the future, lay out trails of achievement and routes of success, determine the scale of experiences and local centres of the most important events.
                NeuroTimeline is a phenomenal time management practice and the Author's favourite one!
                All studies take place online. Due to different time zones of our students, our trainers will pre-record lessons specifically for this course. The lessons will be published according to the course schedule in our closed Facebook study group. You will receive a link to the group after payment.

                If you have any questions during the course, you can post them in the study group or contact our trainers, supervisors and curators directly. We are a very approachable and friendly team.

                Our main focus is to teach the students how to become an Instructor, so we teach each NeuroGraphica module in great depth and pay detailed attention to the quality of students' drawings.
                Every study module includes supervision of your works, and testing on the material studied .

                The schedule also includes an Intensive Training Week. The idea is to give our students additional theory, bonus classes covering Neurographica Coaching, NeuroPlastica (body-oriented practices), and most importantly - more practice in your skills as an artist!

                Each course is unique. It never repeats the previous ones in the same way. Every year, Pavel Piskarev brings something new to the Instructors course programme. And under curation of the Author, and the great work of our trainers, you will get the newest information and updates about the method.

                Welcome and join our magical journey!
                "We do not just draw pictures. Each work is a solution of individual problem. In the process of drawing, a fragment of the psychic becomes harmonized, and links with the Whole".
                - Pavel Piskarev -